For issues relevant to BASS or MzLS imaging, consult the DR6 issues page.
DR7.1 update to sweeps files
was not initially included in the DR7 sweeps
files. In addition, the GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE
column in the DR7 sweeps files
was initially included as type int8 rather than being passed through as a
boolean from the Tractor files. The DR7.1 sweeps files were provided as an
update to rectify these issues.
Smaller subsets of files of random points
On August 23, 2018, the randoms-dr7.fits
file initially supplied with DR7
was split into smaller files in a dedicated randoms
directory for ease of use.
DR1 and DR2 coadd files have been deprecated
On August 23rd, 2018, the DR1 and DR2 coadd directories were removed to save space. Data from those directories is still available via FTP from the Astro Data Lab's archive for DR1 and DR2.
Spurious extended sources exist across brick boundaries
In DR7, sources in a blob that touched a bright star were forced to type=PSF
column was set for these sources. However, sources for
which the blob crossed brick boundaries were not forced to type=PSF
. This is
illustrated in the figure below, where objects labeled BGS_BRIGHT
extended sources that lie across a brick boundary that touches a bright star.